Getting Started with WooCommerce Webshop
When getting started with a WooCommece webshop that are a ton of things to investigate, checkout, research in order to make sure that everything is in place.
One issue is taxes. Which taxes to charge where and when. We’ve tried to help you out a bit with a file that contains all US and EU tax rates.
You can easily import this into WooCommerce and then edit accordingly. Add, or remove rates as you see fit.
You could also checkout the WooCommerce Shipping and Tax plugin which handles this as well.
Download CSV tax rates – Click here
How to install WooCommerce Tax Rates
- Go to the WooCommerce Settings
- Click the Tax tab on top
- Click Standard Rates
- Scroll down and click the import button on the bottom right
That’s it.
NOTE: It’s up to you to always make sure the rates are accurate and updated.